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Wildfire Equipment

The following is a list of Wildfire equipment in Starbreak, sorted by slot. Since implants are available to all shells, they are listed on their own page.

Main -

ALT Kantikoy Repeater ALT Compound Repeater ALT Redshift Repeater ALT Tektite Repeater ALT Aerolith Repeater

ALT Shotgun ALT Arblast ALT DragoonALT Bombard

ALT Soidal Repeater

ALT Bolt Thrower

ALT Needlebow ALT Stonebow

Second -

ALT FragALT Improved FragALT Contrived FragALT Synthetic FragALT Reforged FragALT Unstable Frag

ALT ClusterALT Swarm ClusterALT Hydra

ALT TripwiresALT Proxies

Special -

ALT BlastALT Empowered BlastALT Withering BlastALT Voracious BlastALT Zealous BlastALT Furious Blast

ALT Forceful BlastALT Fireform

ALT Scattered Blast

Mobility -

ALT TalonsALT Durable TalonsALT Augmented TalonsALT Reinforced TalonsALT Resilient Talons

ALT TrackersALT Durable Trackers

ALT EmpyrealsALT Aeonic Empyreals

Body -

ALT JerkinALT Durable JerkinALT Augmented JerkinALT Reinforced JerkinALT Resilient Jerkin

ALT HyrstALT Durable Hyrst

ALT BerserkerALT Frenzied Berserker

ALT BandolierALT Double Bandolier



The Repeater series is the standard main series for Wildfire. Repeaters shoot low-damage bullets in a line when the Main button is held down, though sustained fire will cause accuracy to be lost gradually, requiring one to stop firing for a while before the repeater will shoot straight again. These mains are also characterized by their good range and 100-millisecond refire time.

The Repeater series includes the following mains: Kantikoy Repeater, Compound Repeater, Redshift Repeater, Tektite Repeater and Aerolith Repeater. These are respectively dropped in all tier one, tier two, tier three, tier four and tier five levels.

ALT Kantikoy Repeater Kantikoy Repeater

  • Damage: 6-8
  • Speed: 300
  • Range: 300
  • Armor Piercing
  • +100 Range
  • +1 Shots, 3 Shots Max
  • +1 Bounce, 2 Bounces Max
  • Penetrating
  • Explosive
  • Precise


ALT Compound Repeater Compound Repeater

  • Damage: 8-10
  • Speed: 300
  • Range: 300
  • Armor Piercing
  • +100 Range
  • +1 Shots, 3 Shots Max
  • +1 Bounce, 2 Bounces Max
  • Penetrating
  • Explosive
  • Precise


ALT Redshift Repeater Redshift Repeater

  • Damage: 10-12
  • Speed: 300
  • Range: 300
  • Armor Piercing
  • +100 Range
  • +1 Shots, 3 Shots Max
  • +1 Bounce, 2 Bounces Max
  • Penetrating
  • Explosive
  • Precise


ALT Tektite Repeater Tektite Repeater

  • Damage: 12-14
  • Speed: 300
  • Range: 300
  • Armor Piercing
  • +100 Range
  • +1 Shots, 3 Shots Max
  • +1 Bounce, 2 Bounces Max
  • Penetrating
  • Explosive
  • Precise


ALT Aerolith Repeater Aerolith Repeater

  • Damage: 14-16
  • Speed: 300
  • Range: 300
  • Armor Piercing
  • +100 Range
  • +1 Shots, 3 Shots Max
  • +1 Bounce, 2 Bounces Max
  • Penetrating
  • Explosive
  • Precise



The Shotgun series includes the starter weapon for the Wildfire as well as low-tier and high-tier exotic variants. Shotguns shoot high-damage bursts of shots with a wide spread. However, they normally have a refire time of 400 milliseconds (Quick Shot modifier reduces this down to 300 milliseconds), and they have the shortest range of the Wildfire mains.

The Shotgun series includes the following mains: Shotgun, Arblast, Dragoon and Bombard. These are respectively the starting weapon, a drop from regular and Elite Fire Forest boss, a drop from regular and Elite Underground Base boss, and a drop from Star Cathedral boss.

ALT Shotgun Shotgun

  • Damage: 6-12
  • Speed: 160
  • Range: 225
  • Shots: 5

ALT Arblast Arblast

  • Damage: 8-18
  • Speed: 160
  • Range: 225
  • Shots: 6
  • +70 Range
  • +2 Shots
  • +1 Bounce, 2 Bounces Max
  • Penetrating
  • Explosive
  • Armor Piercing
  • Quick Shot


ALT Dragoon Dragoon

  • Damage: 12-22
  • Speed: 160
  • Range: 225
  • Shots: 7
  • +70 Range
  • +2 Shots
  • +1 Bounce, 2 Bounces Max
  • Penetrating
  • Explosive
  • Armor Piercing
  • Quick Shot


ALT BombardBombard

  • Damage: 16-26 (placeholder)
  • Speed: 160
  • Range: 225
  • Shots: 7
  • +70 Range
  • +2 Shots
  • +1 Bounce, 2 Bounces Max
  • Penetrating
  • Explosive
  • Armor Piercing
  • Quick Shot



The Bow series, consisting of 2 exotic mains, is available to both Wildfire and Duskwing. Bows fire a single high damage shot in a straight line. They have the longest range for both Wildfire and Duskwing mains, but have a refire time of 750 milliseconds between shots, making them bad crowd-clearing weapons without Penetrating modifier.

This series includes the following exotic mains: Needlebow and Stonebow. These are dropped from regular and Elite Fungus Cave boss and regular and Elite Temple of the Lost boss, respectively.

ALT Needlebow Needlebow

  • Damage: 100-200
  • Speed: 425
  • Range: 425
  • +100 Range
  • Penetrating
  • +1 Bounce, 2 Bounces Max
  • Armor Piercing


ALT Stonebow Stonebow

  • Damage: 140-240
  • Speed: 425
  • Range: 425
  • +100 Range
  • Penetrating
  • +1 Bounce, 2 Bounces Max
  • Armor Piercing


Soidal Repeater

An exotic main series available to Wildfire, the Soidal Repeater series is similar to a standard Repeater, but fires high damage shots in a wave pattern with longer range than the normal Repeater, though not as long as that of Bow series mains. Other than the sine wave movements (it's called Soidal because the shots move in a sinusoidal pattern), the shots of these weapon deviate much less than do shots from standard Repeaters, even during sustained fire, but they do not travel as fast. (Refire time is the same as for standard Repeaters, 100 milliseconds.)

This series includes two Wildfire mains. Jansky Repeater drops from regular and Elite Frozen Blight, while Soidal Repeater drops from regular and Elite Strands boss.

Jansky Repeater

  • Damage: 6-12
  • Speed: 200
  • Lifetime: 480
  • Range: 375
  • +125 Range
  • +1 Shots
  • Penetrating
  • Explosive
  • Precise
  • Armor Piercing


ALT Soidal Repeater Soidal Repeater

  • Damage: 11-17
  • Speed: 200
  • Range: 375
  • +125 Range
  • +1 Shots
  • Penetrating
  • Explosive
  • Precise
  • Armor Piercing


Bolt Thrower

An exotic weapon available to Wildfire, the Bolt Thrower fires slow, high-damage bolts in a straight line with a refire time of 400 milliseconds (Quick Shot reduces this down to 300 milliseconds). The weapon's range is longer than that of a standard repeater, but not as long as that of a Soidal Repeater or Bow series weapon.

The Bolt Thrower's bolts explode on contact with any enemy, on contact with a surface (unless +Bounce modifier is in effect and some bounces haven't been used), or at the end of their lifetimes; the explosion has the same lifetime as the bolt itself. Both the bolt and its explosion deal 100% of listed damage (before damage bonuses), and unlike the Explosive modifier on Wildfire's other mains, hitting an enemy with the bolt does not make it invulnerable to the bolt's explosion, so direct hits effectively deal 200% of listed damage (before damage bonuses).

Note: Update 1.11 reworked the Bolt Thrower. Before the rework, the bolt did not explode, but the Bolt Thrower had Penetrating as a possible modifier.

Bolt Thrower is dropped from the regular and Elite Graveyard boss.

ALT Bolt Thrower Bolt Thrower

  • Damage: 50-70
  • Speed: 140
  • Lifetime: 640
  • Range: 350
  • +80 Range
  • +1 Bounce, 2 Max
  • Armor Piercing
  • Quick Shot
  • Trisected



ALT Graveyard Graveyard




The Frag series includes all standard seconds for the Wildfire - grenades that can be thrown in multiple directions and explode for high damage upon hitting an enemy or after 2 seconds, whichever occurs first. Frags bounce off of walls, making them useful for killing enemies that would otherwise be hard to reach without casualties.

This series includes the following seconds: Frag, Improved Frag, Contrived Frag, Synthetic Frag, Reforged Frag and Unstable Frag. The first is the starter second, while the rest fall from tier one, tier two, tier three, tier four and tier five levels, respectively.

ALT Frag Frag

  • Damage: 40-80

ALT Improved Frag Improved Frag

  • Damage: 60-100


  • Armor Piercing
  • +1 Max Ammo
  • Incendiary
  • Barbed
  • Trisected


ALT Contrived FragContrived Frag

  • Damage: 80-120


  • +100% Armor Pierce
  • +1 Max Ammo
  • Incendiary
  • Barbed
  • Trisected


ALT Synthetic FragSynthetic Frag

  • Damage: 100-140


  • +100% Armor Pierce
  • +1 Max Ammo
  • Incendiary
  • Barbed
  • Trisected


ALT Reforged FragReforged Frag

  • Damage: 120-160


  • +100% Armor Pierce
  • +1 Max Ammo
  • Incendiary
  • Barbed
  • Trisected


ALT Unstable FragUnstable Frag

  • Damage: 140-180
  • Explosion radius is 2x larger than standard.


  • +100% Armor Pierce
  • +1 Max Ammo
  • Incendiary
  • Barbed
  • Trisected



Star Cathedral



Seconds in the Cluster series split into multiple grenades after 1 second - each of these does less damage than a standard Frag. Though designed for covering large areas in explosions, Clusters can also be used to great effect against large enemies since only the small bombs, not the initial big bomb, detonate on contact with enemies and the ground.

This series includes three exotic seconds: the Cluster (3 bombs), the Swarm Cluster (10 bombs), and the Hydra (12 bombs). These are dropped from the boss of regular and Elite Fungus Cave, the boss of regular and Elite Strands, and the boss of Star Cathedral, respectively.

ALT Cluster Cluster

  • Damage: 50-75
  • Bombs: 3


  • +100% Armor Pierce
  • +1 Bomb, 2 Max (5 Total)
  • +2 Max Ammo
  • Incendiary
  • Barbed
  • Trisected


ALT Swarm Cluster Swarm Cluster

  • Damage: 18-24
  • Bombs: 10


  • +2 Bombs, 2 Modifiers Max (14 Total)
  • +100% Armor Pierce
  • +2 Max Ammo
  • Incendiary
  • Barbed
  • Trisected


ALT Hydra Hydra

  • Damage: 22-28
  • Bombs: 12


  • +2 Bombs, 2 Modifiers Max (16 Total)
  • +100% Armor Pierce
  • +2 Max Ammo
  • Incendiary
  • Barbed
  • Trisected



The Tripwire series includes two exotic seconds that are useful against mobile enemies. After they are thrown, Tripwires stick to the first horizontal surface they encounter and sit in place, only detonating on contact with enemies (they will self-destruct after a very long time, though). Their damage is best in class when they do explode, and they can be retrieved if put in a bad location.

This series include Tripwire and Proxies. Tripwires are dropped from the boss of regular and Elite Vanquished, while Proxies are dropped from the boss of (Elite) Graveyard.

ALT TripwiresTripwire

  • Damage: 120-195


  • +100% Armor Pierce
  • +2 Max Ammo
  • Incendiary
  • Barbed
  • Trisected


ALT Proxies Proxies

  • Damage: 200-275


  • +100% Armor Pierce
  • +2 Max Ammo
  • Incendiary
  • Barbed
  • Trisected



ALT Graveyard Graveyard



The Blast series includes all standard specials for the Wildfire. Blasts produce multiple stationary explosions in a chosen direction, launching the player in the opposite direction. This knockback allows them to be used for mobility, both in gaining height and moving faster horizontally. The explosions also serve fairly well as a method of killing chasing enemies or attacking enemies directly above or below the player.

The Blast series includes the following specials: Blast, Empowered Blast, Withering Blast, Voracious Blast, Zealous Blast and Furious Blast. The first is the starter special, while the rest drop from all tier one, tier two, tier three, tier four and tier five levels, respectively.

ALT Blast Blast

  • Damage: 10-20
  • Lifetime: 500
  • Blasts: 2

ALT Empowered Blast Empowered Blast

  • Damage: 10-20
  • Lifetime: 500
  • Blasts: 3


  • +1 Blasts, 2 Max (5 Total)
  • +1 Air Blast
  • +100% Armor Pierce
  • Trisected


ALT Withering BlastWithering Blast

  • Damage: 15-25
  • Lifetime: 500
  • Blasts: 3


  • +1 Blasts, 2 Max (5 Total)
  • +1 Air Blast
  • +100% Armor Pierce
  • Trisected


ALT Voracious BlastVoracious Blast

  • Damage: 20-30
  • Lifetime: 500
  • Blasts: 3


  • +1 Blasts, 2 Max (5 Total)
  • +1 Air Blast
  • +100% Armor Pierce
  • Trisected


ALT Zealous BlastZealous Blast

  • Damage: 25-35
  • Lifetime: 500
  • Blasts: 3


  • +1 Blasts, 2 Max (5 Total)
  • +1 Air Blast
  • +100% Armor Pierce
  • Trisected


ALT Furious BlastFurious Blast

  • Damage: 30-40
  • Lifetime: 500
  • Blasts: 3


  • +1 Blasts, 2 Max (5 Total)
  • +1 Air Blast
  • +100% Armor Pierce
  • Trisected



Star Cathedral


Forceful Blast

Specials in the Forceful Blast series behave quite similarly to standard Blasts. However, they have a significantly stronger knockback, allowing for increased mobility usage, and explosions from Forceful Blasts move in the direction of application, making it easier to damage more distant enemies as well as those behind sufficiently thin barriers. Users should be more careful in dangerous situations, as the additional impulse may cause one to overshoot if one has only just switched from some other Wildfire special.

The Forceful Blast series includes the following exotic specials: Forceful Blast and Fireform. They drop from the bosses of regular and Elite Strands and Star Cathedral, respectively.

ALT Forceful Blast Forceful Blast

  • Damage: 20-30
  • Speed: 50
  • Lifetime: 500
  • Blasts: 3


  • +1 Blasts, 2 Max (5 Total)
  • +1 Air Blast
  • +100% Armor Pierce
  • Trisected


ALT FireformFireform

  • Damage: 30-40
  • Speed: 50
  • Lifetime: 500
  • Blasts: 3


  • +1 Blasts, 2 Max (5 Total)
  • +1 Air Blast
  • +100% Armor Pierce
  • Trisected



Star Cathedral


Scattered Blast

The Scattered Blast is also similar to the normal Blast. However, it produces two clusters of explosions rather than just one - each cluster contains half of the weapon's blasts, and all blasts within a cluster move in the same random direction. Also, the Scattered Blast launches users faster than a standard blast, but slower than a Forceful Blast. This exotic Wildfire special has the potential to devastate large enemies with the right modifiers, and it is the best at area denial.

Scattered Blast drops from the boss of regular and Elite Graveyard.

ALT Scattered Blast Scattered Blast

  • Damage: 5-15
  • Speed: 30
  • Lifetime: 500
  • Blasts: 10


  • +2 Blasts, 2 Modifiers Max (14 Total)
  • +1 Air Blast
  • +100% Armor Pierce
  • Trisected



ALT Graveyard Graveyard




The Talons series is the standard mobility series for the Wildfire. Talons provide (tier * 3) armor by default and can generate with modifiers benefiting mobility and offense. Unlike many other Mobility items, Talons can generate as Prototype variants (the only other Mobility item that can generate as a Prototype variant is Aeonic Empyreals).

The Talons series includes the following mobility items: Talons, Durable Talons, Augmented Talons, Reinforced Talons and Resilient Talons. These drop from all tier one, tier two, tier three, tier four and tier five levels, respectively.

ALT TalonsTalons

  • Armor: 3


  • +1% Base Crit Chance
  • +0.25x Base Crit Damage
  • +5 Jump Height
  • +2 Movement Speed


ALT Durable TalonsDurable Talons

  • Armor: 6


  • +1% Base Crit Chance
  • +0.25x Base Crit Damage
  • +5 Jump Height
  • +2 Movement Speed


ALT Augmented TalonsAugmented Talons

  • Armor: 9


  • +1% Base Crit Chance
  • +0.25x Base Crit Damage
  • +5 Jump Height
  • +2 Movement Speed


ALT Reinforced TalonsReinforced Talons

  • Armor: 12


  • +1% Base Crit Chance
  • +0.25x Base Crit Damage
  • +5 Jump Height
  • +2 Movement Speed


ALT Resilient TalonsResilient Talons

  • Armor: 15


  • +1% Base Crit Chance
  • +0.25x Base Crit Damage
  • +5 Jump Height
  • +2 Movement Speed



Star Cathedral



The Trackers series is the standard mobility series for the Duskwing, but the first two Trackers are also wearable by Wildfire. They provide (tier * 3) movement speed and (tier * 0.5)% crit chance by default, making them especially suitable for Duskwings, but they still work well as a stopgap between Talons.

The following mobility items in the Trackers series are available to Wildfire: Trackers and Durable Trackers. These drop in all tier one and tier two levels, respectively.

ALT Trackers Trackers

  • Movement Speed: 3
  • Base Crit Chance: 0.5%


  • +3% Damage
  • +5 Jump Height
  • +0.5x Crit Damage


ALT Durable TrackersDurable Trackers

  • Movement Speed: 6
  • Base Crit Chance: 1.0%


  • +3% Damage
  • +5 Jump Height
  • +0.5x Crit Damage



ALT Fungus Cave Fungus Cave





The Empyreals series, available to Wildfire and Duskwing, consists of mobility items that add air jumps, greatly improving vertical mobility, though at the cost of armor (for Wildfire) and critical chance (for Duskwing). This is partially alleviated by the defensively-oriented modifier pool.

The two exotic mobility items in the Empyreals series are Empyreals and Aeonic Empyreals. They drop from regular and Elite Vanquished boss and Star Cathedral boss, respectively.

ALT Empyreals Empyreals

  • Air Jump: 1


  • +2 Armor
  • +5 Jump Height
  • +5 Movement Speed


ALT Aeonic EmpyrealsAeonic Empyreals

  • Air Jump: 2


  • +4 Armor
  • +10 Jump Height
  • +10 Movement Speed
  • +3% Crit Chance
  • +0.5x Crit Damage



Star Cathedral




The Jerkin series is the standard body item series for Wildfire. Jerkins add (tier * 5) armor at the expense of 2 movement speed by default, though this penalty can be neutralized through modifiers.

The Jerkin series includes the following body items: Jerkin, Durable Jerkin, Augmented Jerkin, Reinforced Jerkin and Resilient Jerkin. These drop from all tier one, tier two, tier three, tier four and tier five levels, respectively.

ALT Jerkin Jerkin

  • Armor: 5
  • Movement Speed: -2


  • +5% Damage
  • +1% Base Crit Chance
  • +4 Movement Speed (Net Value 2)


ALT Durable Jerkin Durable Jerkin

  • Armor: 10
  • Movement Speed: -2


  • +5% Damage
  • +1% Base Crit Chance
  • +4 Movement Speed (Net Value 2)


ALT Augmented JerkinAugmented Jerkin

  • Armor: 15
  • Movement Speed: -2


  • +5% Damage
  • +1% Base Crit Chance
  • +4 Movement Speed (Net Value 2)


ALT Reinforced JerkinReinforced Jerkin

  • Armor: 20
  • Movement Speed: -2


  • +5% Damage
  • +1% Base Crit Chance
  • +4 Movement Speed (Net Value 2)


ALT Resilient JerkinResilient Jerkin

  • Armor: 25
  • Movement Speed: -2


  • +5% Damage
  • +1% Base Crit Chance
  • +4 Movement Speed (Net Value 2)



Star Cathedral



The Hyrst series is the standard body item series for Duskwing, but the first two Hyrsts are also wearable by Wildfire. Hyrsts provide both (tier * 2) armor and (2 + tier) speed, and modifiers focus on improving critical damage output, something that Wildfires do not benefit from very much.

The following body items in the Hyrst series are available to Wildfire: Hyrst and Durable Hyrst. These drop from all tier one and tier two levels, respectively.

ALT Hyrst Hyrst

  • Armor: 2
  • Movement Speed: 3


  • +2% Base Crit Chance (2 Max)
  • +0.5x Base Crit Damage
  • +5 Movement Speed (8 Total)


ALT Wyhyrst Durable Hyrst

  • Armor: 4
  • Movement Speed: 4


  • +2% Base Crit Chance (2 Max)
  • +0.5x Base Crit Damage
  • +5 Movement Speed (9 Total)



ALT Fungus Cave Fungus Cave





The Bandolier series, available to Wildfire, Duskwing, and Ironclad, includes exotic body items that increase maximum ammo and ammo pickup quantity multiplicatively.

The Bandolier series includes two body items: Bandolier (+1x ammo multiplier) and Double Bandolier (+2x ammo multiplier). They are dropped from the bosses of regular and Elite Vanquished and regular and Elite Temple of the Lost, respectively.

ALT BandolierBandolier

  • Ammo Multiplier: +1x


  • +1 Max Ammo


ALT Double BandolierDouble Bandolier

  • Ammo Multiplier: +2x


  • +1 Max Ammo



Temple of the Lost



The Berserker series, available to Wildfire, Duskwing, and Ironclad, includes exotic body items that greatly increase a character's damage bonus at the expense of a large amount of armor.

The Berserker series includes the Berserker and the Frenzied Berserker. These drop from the bosses of regular and Elite Strands and Star Cathedral, respectively.

ALT BerserkerBerserker

  • Armor: -20
  • Damage: +40%


  • +10% Damage (+50% Total)
  • +5 Armor (Net Value -15)


ALT Frenzied BerserkerFrenzied Berserker

  • Armor: -30
  • Damage: +60%
  • Base Crit Chance: +3%
  • Base Crit Damage: +1.0x


  • +40% Damage (+100% Total)
  • +20 Armor (Net Value -10)



Star Cathedral



Implants are available in many varieties. To learn more, click here to read the Implants page

starbreak/wildfire_equipment.1519261905.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/02/22 02:11 by ivanli0517