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Score, only calculated on the death of a shell, is used to determine how well you did with that shell and how much experience is to be granted to you for leveling purposes.

There are two components to score: main score and bonus score. Main score, shown simply as Score, is calculated based on various statistics, such as the number of completions of each kind of mission in StarBreak:

Statistic Increment Experience Awarded per IncrementDescription
Kills 5 (Max 500)1 (Max 100) The number of kills the player has personally made
Main Attacks N/A N/A The number of times the attack button was pressed within zones
Secondary Attacks N/A N/A The number of times the secondary button was pressed within zones
Special Attacks N/A N/A The number of times the special button was pressed within zones
Damage Taken N/A N/A The total amount of damage that the player has recieved
Hits Taken N/A N/A The total amount of hits that the player has recieved
Midboss Kills N/A N/A The number of times the player was present at the death of a Midboss
Damage Done N/A N/A The amount of damage that the player has inflicted
Health Collected N/A N/A The amount of Health Kits collected by the player. Health pools and health collected from the bins in Vanquished does not count towards this.
Ammo Collected N/A N/A The number of times the player collected Ammo pickups. Ammo acquired from the bins in Vanquished does not count towards this.
Boosts Collected N/A N/A The number of Boosts that have been collected by the player
Chests Opened N/A N/A The number of Chests that have been opened by the player
Home N/A N/A The number of times the home command successfully completed. Disconnecting also counts as homing, however exiting the level through the entrance portal does not.
Projectiles Blocked N/A N/A The number of projectiles blocked by either shield, macron or blockers.
Ally Mk Up 1 1 The number of MK Up's recieved by Allies while you were in their presence
Ally Lost N/A N/A The number of Allies that died while you were in their presence
Ally New Missions 1 5 The number of allies completing a mission for the first time
Callouts 1 10 The number of times you recieved MVP for completing a zone
Secrets 1 5 The number of secrets you have entered
Fire Forest 1 (Max 4) 10 (Max 40) The number of times you have defeated Fire Forest
Frozen Blight 1 (Max 4) 10 (Max 40) The number of times you have defeated Frozen Blight
Elite Fire Forest 1 (Max 6) 20 (Max 120) The number of times you have defeated Elite Fire Forest
Elite Frozen Blight 1 (Max 6) 20 (Max 120) The number of times you have defeated Elite Frozen Blight
Vanquished 1 (Max 8) 20 (Max 160) The number of times you have defeated Vanquished
Fungus Cave 1 (Max 8) 20 (Max 160) The number of times you have defeated Fungus Cave
Elite Vanquished 1 (Max 12) 40 (Max 480) The number of times you have defeated Elite Vanquished
Elite Fungus Cave 1 (Max 12) 40 (Max 480) The number of times you have defeated Elite Fungus Cave
Underground Base 1 (Max 16) 40 (Max 640) The number of times you have defeated Underground Base
Strands 1 (Max 16) 40 (Max 640) The number of times you have defeated Strands
Elite Underground Base 1 (Max 24) 80 (Max 1920) The number of times you have defeated Elite Underground Base
Elite Strands 1 (Max 24) 80 (Max 1920) The number of times you have defeated Elite Strands
Graveyard 1 80 The number of times you have defeated Graveyard
Temple of the Lost 1 80 The number of times you have defeated Temple of the Lost
Elite Graveyard 1 160 The number of times you have defeated Elite Graveyard
Elite Temple of the Lost1 160 The number of times you have defeated Elite Temple of the Lost
Star Cathedral 1 160 The number of times you have defeated Star Cathedral

Sometimes a stat may be highlighted in yellow with the word 'new' next to it, this means you've hit a new record with that stat for this type of shell, additional experience is awarded for achieving 'new' on some categories. The amount of experience awarded appears to be around an additional 10% of what that line would have given you.

Bonus score, granted by meeting certain conditions, is then calculated and added to main score to produce Final Score. A list of possible bonuses is included (you start with a clean slate each time you manifest as a new shell) Bonuses are applied to your score from the list below from the top to the bottom:

Bonus Name Requirement Bonus Score
Mark Achieve MK 2-6 +25/+50/+100/+200/+400
Gear Have at least 1 base score and a non-starter item equippedSee Gear Table.
Full Sets Complete all non-elite maps once (Excluding SC) 512 x number of full sets
Elite Sets Complete all elite maps once (Excluding SC) 1024 x number of elite sets
No Heals Never collect a Medkit +25%
No Reloads Never collected Ammo +5%
Ascetic Never opened a Chest +25%
Stock Never collected a Boost +25%
Irregular Never used main attack +10%
One-Handed Never used secondary attack +5%
Restrained Never used special attack +10%
Never Say DieNever 'Home' +25%
Naked Never have a Body item equipped +15%
Barefoot Never have a Mobility item equipped +15%

Each bonus stacks as calculations are performed after each line. For example if you recieve the “No Heals” and “Never Say Die” bonus and had 100 score, you would recieve +25% from “No Heals” giving you 125, and then another +25% from “Never Say Die” on top the new value of 125, giving you 156 points. Getting all the bonuses that add a percentage to your score will multiply your score by ~4.3.

The gear bonus appears to award points using the following formula for normal equipment: (Tier x 2) x (Modifiers + 1)

Experimental and Prototype equipment does not appear to award its full points value unless a boss has been defeated. No gear award will be given unless at least a midboss is defeated. Your gear bonus cannot exceed your base score.

Tier StockModifiedCustomExperimentalPrototype
0 (Starter) 0 0 0 0 0
1 (Easy) 2 4 8 16 (8) 32 (8)
2 (Moderate) 4 8 16 32 (16) 64 (16)
3 (Hard) 8 16 32 64 (32) 128 (32)
4 (Very Hard)16 32 64 128 (64) 256 (64)
5 (Extreme) 32 64 128 256 (128) 512 (128)
6 (Exotic T4)64 128 256 512 (256) 1024 (256)
7 (Exotic T5)128 256 512 1024 (512) 2048 (512)

Exotic equipment appears to award points two tiers above its tier, IE a Modified Arblast (T1 Exotic, 1 mod) will award 16 points rather than 4.

Implants appear to have a static value as shown in the table below:

Implant Value
Lesser 96

If one does sufficiently well with a shell before dying, one may receive a rank as a reward for achieving a high score. The ranks, from lowest score required to highest score required, are C, B, A, and S; they require final scores on death of 500, 1000, 4000, and 9000, respectively. A set of Steam achievements requires A-rank and S-rank with each shell; beyond this, ranks are only for bragging rights.

If one's shell dies while one is disconnected from the game servers, score will be calculated and experience granted, but the player will log in as a spark, unable to access the death screen. As well, achievements requiring certain ranks will not be advanced.

starbreak/score.txt · Last modified: 2018/02/21 19:53 (external edit)