====== Enemies ====== ---- There are lots of enemies in [[index|StarBreak]], each endemic to a particular dungeon. Each has its own unique stats and behavior. Some emenies drop [[starbreak:chests|chests]] and [[starbreak:items|items]].\\ **All Damage values are calculated without armor** * Training Dummy * Spike Pit * Orange Gobling * Purple Gobling * Gobling Bull * Gobling Alpha Bull * Volcano * Spider * Spider Globe * Flying Spider * Gobling Nest * Baby Hopper * Hopper * Parasite * Mid-boss: Hopper Queen * Boss: Leaping Lobster * Acid Drip * Fly * Fly Nest * Acid Bubble Flowers * Bat * Melee Mushroom * Acidic Mushroom * Mini Mushroom * Sawblade * Mouthshroom * Mouth Man * Green Blob * Mini Blob * Spore Propagator * Mid-boss: Teen Worm * Boss: Sarlacc * INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE * Sentry * Zipper * Sinusoidal Turret * Stacked Turret * Flying Saucer Launcher * Flying Saucer * Drone * Bouncy Ball Turret * Explosive Shot Turret * Rocketeer * AT-ST * Molten Metal Dispenser * Spawner * AVC-01 * Mid-boss: Lego Cloud * Boss: Securon * Gnat * Hunter Maggot * Queen Maggot * Maggot Larva * Maggot Jumper * Maggot Soldier * Luminescent Arachnid * Acidic Turtle * Bouncer * Bouncer Sac * Glowworms * Pinwheel * Skitter * Mid-boss: Sporb * Boss: Polaris * Rep Berserker * Mortar Rep * Engineer Rep * Engineer Constructs * Loader * Rep Gunner * Rep Blaster * Rep Tagger * Miniseeker * Mid-boss: Seeker * Boss: Dropship ====== Eschaton ====== ---- [[starbreak:eschaton|Eschaton]] ==== Training Dummy ==== An unkillable dummy in the Eschaton. Handy for testing dps or practicing moves. ====== Fire Forest ====== ---- [[starbreak:fire_forest|Fire Forest]] ==== Spike Pit ==== **Contact Damage:** 5\\ It's a spike pit. 'Nuff said.\\ ==== Orange Gobling ==== **Health:** ~30\\ **Can drop chests:** Yes\\ **Contact Damage:** 10\\ **Projectile Damage:** 10\\ A dinosaur-like enemy with reddish pink skin. Hops back and forth in place and attacks by launching 3 fireballs that will bounce off the first surface it hits and burst on the second, leaving behind a small damaging fire for a few seconds.\\ ==== Purple Gobling ==== **Health:** ~30\\ **Can drop chests:** No\\ **Contact Damage:** 10\\ **Projectile Damage:** 10\\ A dinosaur-like enemy with maroon/brown skin. Hops back and forth in place and attacks by shooting 1-3 Slow moving purple bullets from it mouth.\\ ==== Gobling Bull ==== **Health:** ~30\\ **Can drop chests:** No\\ **Contact Damage:** 10\\ A dinosaur-like enemy with pink skin. Upon seeing a player, runs in place shortly before charging them.\\ ==== Gobling Alpha Bull ==== **Health:** ~30\\ **Can drop chests:** No\\ **Contact Damage:** 10\\ A dinosaur-like enemy with purple/grey skin. Has rocky plating on its head, and can only be hurt from above or behind.\\ ==== Volcano ==== **Health:** ~500\\ **Can drop chests:** Yes\\ **Contact Damage:** 10\\ **Projectile Damage:** 10\\ A stationary mound of rocks with thorns growing up it and a fiery glow at the top. Attacks by lobbing fireballs on a random trajectory at an even interval. Once fireballs hit the ground, they split into two waves and run along the ground in opposite directions.\\ ==== Spider Crawler ==== **Health:** ~30\\ **Can drop chests:** No\\(yes when on the section where spider crawlers were on the base on a mountain platform) **Contact Damage:** 30\\ **Projectile Damage:** 10\\ Green and red insect-like enemy, often found in shallow pits. Their primary attack is to toss out purple projectiles that form Acid Globes if they don't hit a player. Avoid touching them, as they do a massive amount of contact damage.\\ ==== Acid Globe ==== **Health:** ~5-10\\ **Contact Damage:** 10\\ Purple floating projectiles created by the Spiders. Can be destroyed by attacking. Will disappear over time if not attacked.\\ ==== Spider Bomber ==== **Health:** ~30\\ **Can drop chests:** No\\ **Contact Damage:** 10\\ **Projectile Damage:** 10\\ Green and red insect-like enemy, often found in the air. Their primary attack is to toss out purple projectiles that land on the ground and cause purple fire flares.\\ ==== Gobling Nest ==== **Can drop chests:** Yes\\ **Contact Damage:** 0\\ A hanging mass of roots with an opening in the middle. Has a good deal of health, and constantly spawns Goblings to assist it during battle.\\ ==== Baby Hopper ==== **Health:** ~5\\ **Can drop chests:** Yes\\ **Contact Damage:** 10\\ A brown frog-like enemy that attacks by running along the ground and hopping.\\ ==== Hopper ==== **Health:** ~30\\ **Can drop chests:** Yes\\ **Contact Damage:** 10\\ A pink frog-like enemy that attacks by running along the ground and hopping.\\ ==== Parasite ==== **Health:** ~5\\ **Can drop chests:** No\\ **Contact Damage:** 10\\ Minions spawned during the boss fight. Can drop health and ammo.\\ ==== Hopper Queen ==== **Health:** ~2000\\ **Can drop chests:** Yes\\ **Contact Damage:** 20\\ **Projectile Damage:** 10\\ Fire Forest Mini Boss. Attacks by belching out fireballs that explode into a burst of smaller fireballs. Also spawns Baby Hoppers.\\ ==== Boss: Leaping Lobster ==== **Health:** ~5000? Very rough estimate\\ **Can drop chests:** Yes\\ **Contact Damage:** 30\\ **Projectile Damage:** a lot\\ Don't get hit by the comets.\\ ====== Fungus Cave ====== ---- [[starbreak:fungus_cave|Fungus Cave]] ==== Acid Drip ==== **Can drop chests:** No\\ **Contact Damage:** 10\\ **Projectile Damage:** 25\\ Hangs on the ceiling and drips green projectiles. Can move left or right.\\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Fly ==== **Health:** ~20-30?\\ **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** 10\\ Flying monsters.\\ **Other name ideas:** Wasp\\ ==== Fly Nest ==== **Can drop chests:** Yes\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ Has no attacks of any kind by itself, but spawns birds.\\ **Other name ideas:** Hive\\ ==== Acid Bubble Flowers ==== **Can drop chests:** No\\ **Projectile Damage:** ?\\ Hang off the roof and spit green bubbles that do damage. Cannot be killed.\\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Bat ==== **Health:** ~5\\ **Can drop chests:** Yes\\ **Contact Damage:** 10\\ Hangs at the top of rooms and drops when players come close. If it doesn't hit a player, it will burrow into the ground and return to the ceiling after awhile. Only vulnerable while hanging or in flight.\\ **Other name ideas:** Hanging fly\\ ==== Melee Mushroom ==== **Health:** ~50\\ **Can drop chests:** No\\ **Contact Damage:** 5\\ Walks back and forth and hits you if you get too close.\\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Acidic Mushroom ==== **Health:** ~50\\ **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** 10\\ **Projectile Damage:** 15\\ Every so often, this guy pops his head up and lobs some toxic acid at you before ducking again. He's only vulnerable when his head is up.\\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Mini Mushroom ==== **Health:** ~10?\\ **Can drop chests:** No\\ **Contact Damage:** 9\\ These excitable creatures, often found in groups, will rush and jump at you.\\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Sawblade ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ **Projectile Damage:** ?\\ These guys will roll around on the ground, wait until they hit a wall, and then pop their heads up. They're only vulnerable then.\\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Mouthshroom ==== **Can drop chests:** Yes\\ **Contact Damage:** 15\\ Bouncing enemies with seemingly no particular intelligence (not surprising, since they're all mouth and no brain). They can do a pretty good amount of damage if they hit you, though.\\ If you see a bunch of these bouncing around in an ovoid room, it's a chest room and one of them will drop a chest when killed.\\ **Other name ideas:** Bouncing mouth, Bouncing mushroom\\ ==== Mouth Man ==== **Can drop chests:** Yes\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ **Projectile Damage:** ?\\ An enormous abomination with an enormous mouth where his bellybutton should be. Alternates between emitting a damaging echoing scream through its mouth (warning: unblockable by ironclads!) and punching the ground, causing a shockwave to travel across the ground at a fairly fast pace.\\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Green Blob ==== **Can drop chests:** No\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ **Projectile Damage:** ?\\ A large, slow-moving blob that spawns Mini Blobs. upon death, it explodes into a bunch of Mini Blobs.\\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Mini Blob ==== **Can drop chests:** No\\ **Contact Damage:** 10?\\ Little blobs spawned by the big blob. Fairly quick to kill.\\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Spore Propagator ==== **Can drop chests:** Yes\\ **Contact Damage:** 10?\\ **Projectile Damage:** 10\\ A yellow barnacle like species found in the Fungus Cave. It occasionally spreads its carapace to spread its spores\\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Teen Worm ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ **Projectile Damage:** ?\\ An enormous worm that alternates between firing projectiles forwards, firing bouncy balls, and belching out toxic bile that damages anyone who steps on it. Fortunately, it faces one way and can't aim.\\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Boss: Sarlacc ==== **Can drop chests:** Yes\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ **Projectile Damage:** ?\\ One of the two dreaded worm bosses in the game, Sarlacc is a large armored worm; when fighting it, it will be positioned at the bottom of the room- where players can easily fall into its insta-kill mouth while attempting to evade its minions (that is, 6 other worms and some flies).\\ **Other name ideas:** Wurm\\ ====== Vanquished ====== ---- [[starbreak:vanquished|Vanquished]] NOTE: THE FOLLOWING NAMES ARE NOT THE CONFIRMED NAMES AND WERE MADE UP FOR THE SAKE OF FILLING THIS SECTION FOR NOW\\ ==== Shooter Alien ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ **Projectile Damage:** ?\\ \\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Yo-Yo Alien ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ **Projectile Damage:** ?\\ \\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Flying Shooter Alien ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ **Projectile Damage:** ?\\ \\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Alien Bat ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ **Projectile Damage:** ?\\ No idea what they are, really, but they can be found flying next to yo-yo and shooter aliens sometimes, and will charge at players that come near.\\ **Other name ideas: Spider** ==== Homing Air Bomber ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ **Projectile Damage:** ?\\ \\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Phasebeamer ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ **Projectile Damage:** ?\\ \\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Lift Guard ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ **Projectile Damage:** ?\\ A machine that prevents the procession of lifts ("guards the elevators", if you will) and shoots energy balls at players.\\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Air Bombing Cruiser ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ **Projectile Damage:** ?\\ Found only in the boss room. They appear rapidly from the sides, and may be carry aliens atop them. Even when the aliens dismount them, they will stay in place and toss explosive sparks.\\ **Other name ideas: Spider** ==== Lesser Overseer ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ **Projectile Damage:** ?\\ Basically a smaller version of the boss. Unlike the Grand Overseer, however, it has no claws.\\ **Other name ideas: Spider** ==== Illusory Overlord ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ **Projectile Damage:** ?\\ \\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Boss: Grand Overseer ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ **Projectile Damage:** ?\\ \\ **Other name ideas:** Section incomplete ====== Underground Base ====== ---- [[starbreak:underground_base|Underground Base]] ==== Sentry ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ **Projectile Damage:** ?\\ Standard walking enemy. If it sees you, it will fire moderately damaging blue-colored shots at a regular pace.\\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Zipper ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ **Projectile Damage:** ?\\ Races back and forth on the ground at very high speed. Will release bouncing bombs and leap backwards on impact with a player.\\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Sinusoidal Turret ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ **Projectile Damage:** ?\\ Stationary turret that fires volleys of shots in a sinusoidal pattern. Spawns a protective barrier in front of itself every so often.\\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Stacked Turret ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ **Projectile Damage:** ?\\ Often seen stacked on top of each other in a tremendous pile, these lob grenades at you. They're not particularly dangerous for an armored player, and are a great source of HP refills.\\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Flying Saucer Launcher ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ **Projectile Damage:** ?\\ Has no attacks by itself, but launches Flying Saucers at you if you're within around 2/3 of one screen distance of it.\\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Flying Saucer ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ **Projectile Damage:** ?\\ A homing missile that flies towards the player that it was aimed at. Will explode into a volley of small balls directed at its target upon death.\\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Drone ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ **Projectile Damage:** ?\\ Flying enemies that move back and forth in a room. Drops grenades at you, but is generally little more than a nuisance if you've got armor.\\ **Other name ideas:** UFO ==== Bouncy Ball Turret ==== **Can drop chests:** Yes\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ **Projectile Damage:** ?\\ Normally mounted near the ceiling. Fires bouncing balls at players.\\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Explosive Shot Turret ==== **Can drop chests:** Yes\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ **Projectile Damage:** ?\\ Normally mounted near the ceiling. Fires red explosive shots at players.\\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Rocketeer ==== **Can drop chests:** Yes\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ **Projectile Damage:** ?\\ When you come close, a Rocketeer will fire an enormous volley of rockets at you. Along with the AT-ST, it's probably the most dangerous enemy in this map. Take care!\\ **Other name ideas:** ==== AT-ST ==== **Can drop chests:** Yes\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ **Projectile Damage:** ?\\ An enormous two-legged enemy with a multitude of attacks. Be careful, ironclads - your shield won't protect against this guy's laser.\\ **Other name ideas:** Heavy Mech\\ ==== Molten Metal Dispenser ==== **Can drop chests:** No\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ **Projectile Damage:** ?\\ Hangs off the ceiling and, at regular intervals, fires a multicolored blob of molten metal downwards.\\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Spawner ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** 0\\ **Projectile Damage:** ?\\ Hangs off the ceiling and spawns AT-STs, Sentries, Zippers, and Rocketeers.\\ **Other name ideas:** ==== AVC-01 ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ **Projectile Damage:** ?\\ Enormous slow beasts that hover a bit off the ground. Fires a mix of blue shots, bouncing grenades, and rockets. If you get in close with a duskwing or wildfire, you can duck and it won't be able to hit you, but make sure not to touch!\\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Miniboss: Lego Cloud ==== **Can drop chests:** Yes\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ **Projectile Damage:** ?\\ The Lego Cloud is the miniboss in the Underground Base. It bounces off the walls, and when enough damage is done to it, splits into a huge cloud of small blocks which must all be killed to destroy the miniboss. The cloud will reform into a large mass if it is not destroyed within a set time.\\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Boss: Securon ==== **Can drop chests:** Yes\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ **Projectile Damage:** ?\\ Description goes here.\\ **Other name ideas:** Eye of Sauron\\ ====== Underground Base ====== ---- [[starbreak:indexstrands|Strands]] ==== Gnat ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ \\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Hunter Maggot ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ \\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Queen Maggot ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ \\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Maggot Larva ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ \\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Maggot Jumper ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ \\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Maggot Soldier ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ \\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Luminescent Arachnid ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ **Other name ideas:** Spider\\ ==== Acidic Turtle ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ \\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Bouncer ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ \\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Bouncer Sac ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ \\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Glowworm ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ \\ **Other name ideas:** Snake\\ ==== Pinwheel ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ \\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Skitter ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ \\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Miniboss: Sporb ==== **Can drop chests:** Yes\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ \\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Boss: Polaris ==== **Can drop chests:** Yes\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ Polaris is a large, majestic, flying worm. Its mouth is an instant death for players, while the rest of its body- including the hook beneath its mouth- do a large amount of damage.\\ **Other name ideas:** Worm, Dragon-worm-thing, Strands boss\\ ====== Graveyard ====== ---- [[starbreak:indexgraveyard|Graveyard]] ==== Rep Berserker ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ \\ **Other name ideas: Lizard** ==== Mortar Rep ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ \\ **Other name ideas: Lizard** ==== Engineer Rep ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ \\ **Other name ideas: Lizard** ==== Engineer Contruct ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ \\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Loader ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ \\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Rep Gunner ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ \\ **Other name ideas: Lizard** ==== Rep Blaster ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ \\ **Other name ideas: Lizard** ==== Rep Tagger ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ \\ Other name ideas: ==== Miniseeker ==== **Can drop chests:** ?\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ \\ **Other name ideas: "Little version of midboss"** ==== Miniboss: Seeker ==== **Can drop chests:** Yes\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ The midboss's appearance is like the mini-seeker, but bigger, hence the name, Seeker. The midboss will chase the nearest player, doing [unknown] damage.\\ **Other name ideas:** ==== Boss: Dropship ==== **Can drop chests:** Yes\\ **Contact Damage:** ?\\ **Other name ideas:** ====== Temple of The Lost ====== ---- [[starbreak:temple_lost|Temple of The Lost]] Laser spawner hp ??? contact damage ??? projectile damage ??? other name ideas ====== Star Cathedral ====== ---- [[starbreak:star_cathedral|Star Cathedral]] **INFORMATION UNAVAILABLE**