Eschaton Eye
1453 days and 1M tracked clears
Another 500k clears, another retrospective
A look back
With almost 4 years since the first tracked clear and with another milestone hit, it's time for our second commemorative post.
All data applies to the period covered by the zeroth through the one millionth clear.
Clears by zone
Which zones were cleared most and least?

Zone | Count |
Elite Fire Forest | 72864 |
Elite Frozen Blight | 221376 |
Fungus Cave | 54823 |
Elite Fungus Cave | 87962 |
Vanquished | 160739 |
Elite Vanquished | 44897 |
Strands | 47495 |
Elite Strands | 62990 |
Underground Base | 96608 |
Elite Underground Base | 17501 |
Graveyard | 35772 |
Elite Graveyard | 1895 |
Temple of the Lost | 78808 |
Elite Temple of the Lost | 8823 |
Star Cathedral | 7447 |
Clears by month
How has the number of clears per month changed over time?

Month | Count |
2015-11 | 9391 |
2015-12 | 12284 |
2016-01 | 14734 |
2016-02 | 12674 |
2016-03 | 13926 |
2016-04 | 12384 |
2016-05 | 14142 |
2016-06 | 20887 |
2016-07 | 21673 |
2016-08 | 22682 |
2016-09 | 22105 |
2016-10 | 21990 |
2016-11 | 20214 |
2016-12 | 20461 |
2017-01 | 20471 |
2017-02 | 19905 |
2017-03 | 21932 |
2017-04 | 22197 |
2017-05 | 22980 |
2017-06 | 20617 |
2017-07 | 20998 |
2017-08 | 21214 |
2017-09 | 22834 |
2017-10 | 22462 |
2017-11 | 24957 |
2017-12 | 25221 |
2018-01 | 24014 |
2018-02 | 24218 |
2018-03 | 28711 |
2018-04 | 26519 |
2018-05 | 24225 |
2018-06 | 18789 |
2018-07 | 16484 |
2018-08 | 20784 |
2018-09 | 22421 |
2018-10 | 23888 |
2018-11 | 24504 |
2018-12 | 26561 |
2019-01 | 24490 |
2019-02 | 21522 |
2019-03 | 24209 |
2019-04 | 22743 |
2019-05 | 23798 |
2019-06 | 19551 |
2019-07 | 18920 |
2019-08 | 19123 |
2019-09 | 20592 |
2019-10 | 18599 |
Trends for the most difficult zones
How has the number of clears changed over time for the most difficult zones?
Notably, the number of Elite Temple of the Lost clears has surpassed the number of Star Cathedral clears since last time.

Number of new players per month
How has the influx of new players changed?
Players count as new if they have never before been seen in Eschaton. New sparks not included, only named players.

Month | New Players |
2016-04 | 3943 |
2016-05 | 11107 |
2016-06 | 3917 |
2016-07 | 3338 |
2016-08 | 2898 |
2016-09 | 2882 |
2016-10 | 3331 |
2016-11 | 3471 |
2016-12 | 2991 |
2017-01 | 3030 |
2017-02 | 2588 |
2017-03 | 2942 |
2017-04 | 2593 |
2017-05 | 2634 |
2017-06 | 2186 |
2017-07 | 2204 |
2017-08 | 2846 |
2017-09 | 3046 |
2017-10 | 2658 |
2017-11 | 2750 |
2017-12 | 3045 |
2018-01 | 2978 |
2018-02 | 2948 |
2018-03 | 3299 |
2018-04 | 2713 |
2018-05 | 2724 |
2018-06 | 2045 |
2018-07 | 1944 |
2018-08 | 2289 |
2018-09 | 2623 |
2018-10 | 2725 |
2018-11 | 2543 |
2018-12 | 2629 |
2019-01 | 2565 |
2019-02 | 2066 |
2019-03 | 2210 |
2019-04 | 2007 |
2019-05 | 2334 |
2019-06 | 1446 |
2019-07 | 1311 |
2019-08 | 1723 |
2019-09 | 1774 |
2019-10 | 1234 |
How much have players been chatting in Eschaton?

Month | Chat Messages |
2015-11 | 69798 |
2015-12 | 143594 |
2016-01 | 133839 |
2016-02 | 120986 |
2016-03 | 119086 |
2016-04 | 100035 |
2016-05 | 108583 |
2016-06 | 148128 |
2016-07 | 127339 |
2016-08 | 126645 |
2016-09 | 133225 |
2016-10 | 178452 |
2016-11 | 147436 |
2016-12 | 142687 |
2017-01 | 139371 |
2017-02 | 144589 |
2017-03 | 151531 |
2017-04 | 154639 |
2017-05 | 145942 |
2017-06 | 118778 |
2017-07 | 107186 |
2017-08 | 134694 |
2017-09 | 152920 |
2017-10 | 163605 |
2017-11 | 179789 |
2017-12 | 152682 |
2018-01 | 139644 |
2018-02 | 162928 |
2018-03 | 201277 |
2018-04 | 185813 |
2018-05 | 152187 |
2018-06 | 117686 |
2018-07 | 88752 |
2018-08 | 114558 |
2018-09 | 141867 |
2018-10 | 150289 |
2018-11 | 157459 |
2018-12 | 161042 |
2019-01 | 133910 |
2019-02 | 121481 |
2019-03 | 149598 |
2019-04 | 134373 |
2019-05 | 154916 |
2019-06 | 118054 |
2019-07 | 104086 |
2019-08 | 121274 |
2019-09 | 139183 |
2019-10 | 136390 |
And what were they talking about?

Which players were mentioned the most in chat? Players with names that are common words and players with less than 100 callouts excluded.

And, finally, which factions were talked about the most?

Unique players and factions with callouts
There were a total of 17 001 players with at least one callout to their name.
The number of factions with at least one recorded clear was 540.
Time between first sight and first callout
How long does it take between the time a player is seen in Eschaton for the very first time, and the time they are awarded their first callout?

For the player with the longest time between first appearance and first callout, that time period was a whopping 106 830 001.756 seconds (that's 1236 days - more than 3 years!).
Top faction and player callouts by zone
Things change, but vanity remains. So here is, once again, the top players and factions for each zone.
Clears are attributed to the faction a player at the time of the callout - joining a different faction does not affect past clears.
Zone | Top Factions | Top players |
All |
Elite Fire Forest |
Elite Frozen Blight |
Fungus Cave |
Elite Fungus Cave |
Vanquished |
Elite Vanquished |
Strands |
Elite Strands |
Underground Base |
Elite Underground Base |
Graveyard |
Elite Graveyard |
Temple of the Lost |
Elite Temple of the Lost |
Star Cathedral |
Thanks for reading
This marks the end of our second commemorative post. Until next time,