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If you are an experienced player, this guide may not be useful to you.


To start rebuilding a shell, I suggest using a different shell in your shell storage (if you have one) to get items for the shell you want to rebuild. For example, I sometimes use Ironclad to collect items for a Wildfire. This works well if you are bad at the shell stock or you cannot do a certain mission with that shell.


Fire Forest - To beat Fire Forest as a new player, a good strategy would be to try to get an experienced acquaintance to carry you or join a group. When you are with your acquaintance or group, do not closely follow them, instead, wait a few seconds for them to clear out the monsters then you can continue. During Midboss hide by the door you entered through, and make sure to dodge the projectiles if needed. During boss I recommend going to a tower with an opening in the middle of it (Like in the picture below) while constantly attacking for safety. After a short while you will get the victory.

Elite - for Elite Fire Forest the same strategy can be used.

Frozen Blight - something
Elite - something

Fungus Cave - something
Elite - something

Vanquished - something
Elite - something

Underground Base - something
Elite - something

Strands - something
Elite - something

Graveyard - something
Elite - something

Temple of the Lost - something
Elite - something

Star Cathedral - something


The following is a list of every implant, what they do, and which ones I recommend to use.
Inferior Armites - Armor +10
Inferior Delites - Damage +20%
more stuff coming soon

starbreak/sirchrisiiis_tips.1679729695.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/25 08:34 by sirchrisiii